WTF Did They Say: A 123WTF Exclusive Interview with the Sklar Brothers

Poop Talk 09 Jason and Randy Sklar Watch The Film Saint Pauly 123WTF

Poop Talk 01 Randy and Jason Sklar Watch The Film Saint Pauly 123WTF

Potty Mouths

Remember all those years ago when I was an unknown film critic, trying to make my way in this hypercritical world? Well, that hasn’t changed in the slightest. However, I am less unknown enough that the Sklar brothers (the hyper-talented executive producers of the upcoming documentary Poop Talk— in theatres and VOD on Friday, February 16, 2018) have agreed to inaugurate a new section on 123WTF! Ladies and gents, I present WTF Did They Say– The Interviews!

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